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Hot Steven

When you eat a shit ton of spicy food or hot suace and The shit feels like fire coming out of our ass. You then Proceed to shit in someone’s chest to see if they feel the burn too.

Blake: I have to take the fattest hot Steven after this burrito right now.

Adam: let me take off my shirt and put a mat down.

by Romdel700 September 6, 2018

Strap-on hot

When a girl reaches the level of extreme beauty that you would let her fuck you with a strap-on

Yes she's hot... but is she strap-on hot?

by Strap on hot 123 February 28, 2017

Hot Shit

Someone who thinks they are the best

You think your hot shit on a siver platter, but youre really just cold piss on a paper plate

by PurpleCowMan April 7, 2002

414πŸ‘ 121πŸ‘Ž

piss hot

To test positive on a drug urinalysis (pee drug test)

I cant smoke weed because my job is doing a pee test on me and I don't want to piss hot.

by KevlarKev October 13, 2007

43πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

hot mess

When ones thoughts or appearance are in a state of disarray but they maintain an undeniable attractiveness or beauty.

Although Nichole had just awaken, her boyfriend thought she was stunning - she was a hot mess.

by pounce February 13, 2007

15615πŸ‘ 5316πŸ‘Ž

hot date

A date with a high likelihood that it will end in sex.

Guy: I got a hot date with Tina tonight. I better bring a few condoms along.

by Triple Double March 18, 2013

132πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž

Hot Times

A infamous song sang by the group S.M. THE BALLAD. The group consist of Jino, Jonghyun, Jay & Kyuhyun. This song is the reason for many pregnancies among fan-girls. This song is so sensual and sexual, it oozes wih "make love to a hot Asian guy" when it is sung.

Girl: Did you hear Hot times?!?!

by devourmyseoul November 29, 2010

47πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž