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Don't Show the Whole Gorilla

In music, the Phrase "Don't show the whole gorilla" means to avoid giving full volume in any crescendos untill the song's climax, thus "hiding the gorilla". The phrase comes from king kong, in which the audience is teased and hinted at to what is behind the curtain when kong is captured.

Band Director:On this next run-through, use your phrasing and dynamics well, but Don't Show the Whole Gorilla untill measure 74.

by MExibone January 18, 2011

Muffled noises of gorilla violence

The ancient art of muffled noises of gorilla violence is something few can master, it's been taught for generation after generation in the suburbs of Detroit.

When performing an act such as muffled noises of gorilla violence, one must be very careful, anyone will recognize it instantly and will report to the media about their new discovery which will make them millions.

Hey Mark! I think i can hear muffled noises of gorilla Violence over there!

Really! We have to Jet over there my Jordan, this is seriously poggers!

by MynameisnotJohannes April 19, 2021

Maria Sophia tortilla gorilla

The name to call your sister named Maria Sophia

Person1 Maria Sophia tortilla gorilla get here

by Skoofora November 6, 2020

Drink a gallon of gorilla's semen

Why tf am i defining this

"Drink a gallon of gorilla's semen"

by imnothandicappedimretarded February 23, 2019

wild rainforest gorilla backbreaker

When having intercourse, the female lays face first on the ground. The male will climb up a tree, imitating a wild gorilla. The male then dives off a tree and lands on the female, inserting into her. The male then lodges onto the female, lifts her off his scrotum, and throws her 30 ft in the air. On her way down, the male will knee her in the back using his superhuman gorilla strength, which will crush her spine. This ends with the female laying on the ground cringing in pain, while the male inserts Raising Cane's sauce into the deceased uterus for lubrication, while watching Dave Ramsey's Total Money Maker.

Troy: "Damn, what happened to Gabriella?!"
Ryan: "I heard that Chad fucked her so hard her spine busted!"
Troy: "He must've done the Wild Rainforest Gorilla BackBreaker.."

by McNew Munge 69 April 5, 2016

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stab wound in a gorillas back

A gash that’s so ginormous and hairy only a teenager on benifits would go there.

Hey don, that fat twat had a fuck hole like a stab wound in a gorillas back.

by Ginger Barbarian. December 8, 2017

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gorilla vest syndrome

when an individual publicly claims to hold disdain and demonstrates repugnance for a certain object/person/place/idea, but in reality, the individual is attracted to or desires the object/person/place/idea.

did you see the way brittany claimed to hate nick, but we just saw her hella giggle like a schoolgirl when he walked away? gorilla vest syndrome like what.

by sara t September 19, 2007

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