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dragging ass

being very tired and slow,

guy1:dude we need to get some coffee or redbull
guy 2: yeah man i'm dragging ass pretty bad

after that party last night i'm dragging ass

by christopha' September 10, 2008

102๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

ass pirate

one who digs for burried treasure by inserting his penis inside his partners anus and prodding around

Albert was the most notorious ass pirate in the city, all homosexuals came to him for advice.

by nobodythatuneedtobeconcernedwith May 18, 2003

1118๐Ÿ‘ 222๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ass Cookie

Small shit-soiled pieces of toilet paper that become tangled in ass hair.

"I've got a nest of Ass Cookie Susan, so before you toss the salad let me go shower"

by Nate_Ona February 21, 2007

392๐Ÿ‘ 73๐Ÿ‘Ž

ass water

Having a case of severe diarrhea in which you urinate from your asshole.

The next time I have diarrhea, I hope it's not ass water.

by Lenard Powerdong August 8, 2006

127๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

ass punch

The only acceptable way to hit a girl. A closed fist to the ass of varying degree. Appropriate for retaliation or mean/rude comments. Bruising is frowned upon, but is hidden if need be. They can be stored, but must be used within a week, otherwise they are forfeited.

My girlfriend told me I wasn't funny so I had to ass punch her.

I gave her an ass punch cause she gave me a titty twister.

by Right n' History January 21, 2011

99๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

Wall of ass

where someone has been farting in one room for hours on end, and when someone walks in the they get slapped in the face wit the wall of ass.

Fuck Darren have you shit pants again because i have just walked in a wall of ass.

by smelly ass August 24, 2009

31๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

ass ripper

1) Extremely painful shit. A very painful dump. A long and painful act on the toilette. Generally caused by lack of fibre and waiting too long to shit. A shit which may require assistance, either medically, or with a rigid spoon-like excavation tool.

2) A term used amongst well known friends, and best not used just anywhere.

1) Scott: "What took you so long in my washroom guy, there aren't any magazines in there when you come over!"
Max: "Duuuude, I couldn't go, I was squirming and standing on my fucking toes squeezing and writhing in agony. It was like I was giving a shit birth. I had a serious ass ripper!!"
Scott: "AW fuck man, not again, I had to replace my toilette last time you used it!!!! Why don't you just go straight to the fucking sewage plant guy and hang over the septic pool before you come to visit!!"

2) Best not used location example-
Max: "I would like to toast the bride whom I have had some special moments with before today - especially last night - I digress, firstly I would like to apologize for my scratchy throat, I spent the last 5 minutes screaming in the can forcing out an extreme ass ripper!"

by psiscott April 10, 2006

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