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first time cool

When a loser gets to college and gets to experience being cool for the first time.

Alex who is 5’6 has fucked 9 girls the first two weeks of school because he is “first time cool”

by kenya_ligma September 13, 2021

2👍 1👎

First World Problem


That is a first world problem

by BeanMachine14 March 30, 2023

First Law of Holes

"If you find yourself in a hole, your first course of action should be to stop digging." If you find yourself in a bad situation, stop doing something that is actively making it worse.

Dylan got himself into trouble with the cops. He didn't remember the first law of holes and started fighting with them.

by Intelligence001 July 23, 2019

dick at first site

Just like love at first site you find some one so gorgeous you end up fucking them

Jessica: dude I saw this guy last night
Amy: whoa really?
Jessica: yeah it was dick at first site
Amy: oml you slut

by triggered frittered April 19, 2017

First World Epiphany

A lesson learned, or a realization reached, by a person associated with privilege, that may seem obvious to others whose material wealth or access to comfort is compromised by larger global systems.

Tim told his friend Gina that in the days following the Hurricane he was restless and starting to get depressed. Without the subways running and no cable or Internet he didn’t know what to do with himself.

“I was laying in my bed one afternoon looking up at the ceiling,” explained Tim, “and it hit me: I didn’t always have to be busy to feel valuable. I am enough.”

“Duh!” said Gina, “sounds like you had a first world epiphany.“

by theodorekerr January 13, 2013

First game POG

When you play a multiplayer game and the first game you play, your aim is absolutely cracked and you end up with at least a 3.0 KD.

“Dude i hopped on MW and totally had a first game pog.”

by hunts0069 September 22, 2020

First week workout

A feeling of superiority over all other peers simply, because the person who just started working out feels like they did a great achievement.

Lion: Dude, get the duck outta my way I'm about to roid rage your candy ass!

Mouse: Bitch, you can't even lift 135 on the bench so open up yo mouth and suckle on this potatoe sack.

Lion: I CAN life 135 and you don't know what I do, i stay at the gym for hours at end!

Mouse: W.e. pussy, your still just first week workout bitch

by Cybrus16 March 21, 2011