When the taint is too short and the poopoo gets on the pussy.
" Damn! I pooped my pants and it got all up in my butthole pussy."
This day is April 24. You go tot he nearest Axel Chavez and pin him against the wall and insert your 9 inches into his tight butthole.
“Richie: hey Axel you know what day it is, I’ve been waiting for this day, It’s National Axel Chavez Butthole Day ”
“Axel: wait Richie we’re cousins.”
“Richie: Game is game now spread that tight hairy butthole.”
*axel crying*
When somebody's butthole is visible while naked in a normal stance.
"Did you see Elijah's butt while we were skinny dipping? Total monkey butthole."
UBS (unstable butthole syndrome) is a condition that forms in males or females usually brought on by hot wings, bean soup, cheap late night burritos, or extremely spicy food. Causes your butthole to feel like there’s a blow torch by it all day and you feel like you will blow a hole in your underwear without warning.
Jim: hey Fred you going to the gym tonight?
Fred: nah man my UBS (unstable butthole syndrome) is bad after Taco Bell last night
If you hit the middle cup in your first shot in beer pong and have to take your pants off
"You hit butthole cup"
The result of receiving rimjobs from every Blue Man Group member
That girl got so lucky last night after the show, she left with a blueberry butthole
and toilet paper gets stuck up your ass with a shit attached to it then it gets sucked up so toilet paper and shit is up your ass
i had a poopy butthole happen yesterday