A cow that says Jow, which is made up, had blue spots, and white stripes. Oh and Jow the Cow 's name is Jow.
Random Cow:Moo
Jow the Cow: JOW JOW JOW!
Random Cow: 0o0
Adj; to describe someone (usually female) who is just unrefined and of a far less superiority.
A ridden midden
'Uh, look at that scabby cow itching her arse crack in McDonalds'
'Have you seen Louise? She's such a scabby cow!'
'Did you hear Louise let someone texas hotpocket her?! She's such a scabby cow!'
This is when your balls are so hairy that they need immediate shaving
Friend: Hey I'm gonna trim a cow tonight
Friend 2: Oh yeah I trimmed my cow last week
Friend 2: Why are you trimming yours?
Friend: It's because I have a date in the morning
Friend: I really have to trim my cow tonight
Friend 2: OK Cool!
the king of shitposters
the dumbest man to ever live
loves nigga twerk
hates lilian
kafira cow bruh
the king of shipost and shitposters
his bestie is cash
loves nigga twerk
not verry famous but has 8000 shitposts
kafira cow bruh
A sex position which requires a horizontal tire swing and a very long dick.
Did you have a good time last night?
Yeah we did the corkscrew cow!
I was home last night with my wife having sex and I whip the cow hard