to have a devils garden is to have a vagina with genital warts. A Devil's Garden was a small boxed in minefield used in desert warfare. There is about 17 million unexploded anti-personnel/anti-tank mines, artillery shells, bombs dropped by aircraft, machine gun, small arms, and mortar rounds that still remain beneath the sand in europe.
"dude, that chick has a devil's garden", "Promote abstinance to keep people from having a devil's garden" (like that works)
Verb: the act of emitting explosive diarrhea that sprays violently into the toilet.
Dave: are you okay? it sounded pretty bad in there!
Other dave: Nah man, I think I have food poisoning. I Gave that toilet the Devil's Powerwash.
When you shove a tiny funnel inside your penis then proceed to pour chilli powder down the funnel. Then vigorously maturbate until nutting your spicy load all over your woman
I was a little bored last night so decided to give the wife a Devil’s Handshake
That dank shit boyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Plus Christian Servers are bomb as fuck so get with the times
"Damn bruh you been Hitten that bomb ass devils dickweed"
Response: "hell yeah muthafucka, I'm going bonkers like Jar Jar Binks Bitch"
The space in between the human genitals and toilet seat when sitting on the toilet.
I had the sudden urge to cough up a loogie while sitting on the toilet so I hocked that motherfucker right down the Devil's spitoon
sperm cells that are present in semen
She was such a slut. I blew my wad in her mouth and she gagged it down, swimming devils and all.
Someone who hated something before it became popular to hate on it
“Hey have you played Fortnite?”
“That game sucks ass”
“You just hate it because it’s popular”
“I hated it before it became popular”
“Oh, well you must be the devil’s hipster”