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your mom thinks im dope

It is a term of believing in yourself and knowing you are the shit! A quick comeback! Knowing who you are and never letting anyone tell you different! Be you! Do you! And you will glow like no one else!

Girl: man... please you aint shit.
Guy: Well ummm... your mom thinks i'm dope!
Guy 1: yo! that's sick dude
Guy 2: I know right... your mom thinks im dope!

Guy1: Man u hit last night
Guy2: naw man
Guy1: Ahaha I knew it!
Guy2: shutup! It's all good.. Your mom thinks i'm dope!

by your mom thinks im dope December 7, 2013

9๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Word Sauce Mc Dope Penguins

Used as a term of acknowledgement or agreement. Can be used to substitute the words "okay" or "yeah".

Grant: Meet me at the library, I'll be there soon.
Adam: Word sauce mc dope penguins.

by WhoopWhoopWhoopWhooooop May 21, 2011

10๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Homeless homie dope hoe chaser

A homeless guy that uses drugs to lure flirty lose women in for sex or relations that can not afford to keep her due to the fact of being broke and lack there of dope

Homie homeless homie dope hoe chaser

That homie homeless dope hoe chaser is so hot but he only chases dope hoe's

by Starlightg223 September 16, 2022

Wow! Good dope! Guys and their dicks!

Wow! Good dope! Guys and their dicks! is what a guy's first thoughts are when he takes a big hit of Some Good Weed.

Wow! Good dope! Guys and their dicks! I want to suck some cock!

by USAF Cadet February 7, 2021

579๐Ÿ‘ 637๐Ÿ‘Ž

i'm broke as a joke, 24-7 on dope

broke. what you and all your friends most likely are, espec. if you do have a lil ice-cream habit.

"so u wanna go to the movies?" "i can't babe, i'm broke as a joke, 24-7 on dope"

by lauren September 1, 2003

63๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž

long haired dope smokin friend of jesus

a man with long hair

yo, joe you long haired dope smokin friend of jesus ..how's i goin?

by blubber bob September 21, 2007

41๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž

smoke dope, eat soap, go home in a bubble

a phrase that refers to smoking "dope" or weed, then eating some soap (I think just the normal kind of bath soap, but I'm not sure), and then some how getting back to your house in some kind of bubble thing.

some weird hippy guy told it to me on the street. just in case you were wondering.

guy walking down the street.

stoned hippy pops out of some ally.

guy says "holly molly! you the scared the crap out of me!"

hippy says "when I was your age some person told me some words to live by! hic!"

guy says "I'm not sure I want to know what they are."

hippy says "he said. hic! he told me. hic! ahem! he told me smoke dope, eat soap, go home in a bubble! ha ha haa ha!"

guy says "what the hell are you talking about!"

hippy guy runs back deep into the darkness of the ally.

true story

by Oktobongo April 26, 2008

33๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž