The effect of a extremely smart, handsome and enthusiastic individual that's a lion attacking his prey into submission and obedience.
Yo, did you do The GTJ effect on her? how did she fall for you so fast ?
The phenomena where images of a penis in a television show or movie cause mental anguish to a viewer.
The golden dong scene in episode 9 of "Spartacus: Blood and Sand" caused James to seek aggressive psycho-therapy. This is the dong effect.
The showing of Dr. Manhattan's blue dong in The Watchmen movie resulted in manic-depression in many viewers. This is the dong effect.
When person(s) begin working in a neighborhood or populated area, the surrounding residents will come outside, and begin to look busy, such as mowing the lawn, or fixing the door frame that your wife has complained about for months now.
This typically occurs in persons past the age of 40.
Everyone just decided now would be a good time to mow the lawn?
Yeah, that’s The Hawes Effect dude.
when two or people from a social group start a romantic relationship it triggers others in the group to copy .
"did you hear , Stuart and Molly are dating!"
..."wanna go out?"
hence Couple's effect
When some teen pretends to be depressed even though they’re in middle school
Chris: Did you hear what happened to Andrew?
Victor:Yeah, I heard he’s a victim of The Madison Effect
A castle built on sand. Corrupted by one persons touch. To be royally f*cked up. To rot from the inside.
She swanned in and acted as though she was Queen. We thought the extra publicty would be beneficial. In truth the whole thing turned to sh*t. They call it The Markle Effect. We are royally f*cked.
Based on world-renown virtual youtuber "Yozora Mel", it is the illusion caused by the person in question wearing clothing that comes no higher than the upper breast area, and just before the shoulder. This illusion causes any on-lookers to get the impression the person in question could be naked.
I thought I saw Ashley butt-naked in her backyard from over the fence, but it was just the Mel effect and she was actually wearing a shoulderless crop top.