Akin to homeostasis, the organism's bodily function respond to the biotic transmutations within the environment. Fatty-ostasis was first used in the English Royal Society of Science and Medicine (ERSSM) by Walter Bradford Cannon. The paradoxical complex multi-dimensional system and cycle of fatty-ostasis is originated from the molecular level to the biological and ecological status. Fatty-ostasis is a present state of generation and changes in the physiological pathways, the supply of fatty acids in this logical pretext shows that it uses components of neural receptors and the calvin cycle to produce fatty acids to seek out hibernation and the infinite cycle of the universe and life, though this is postulatably implausible, the universe was created at a singular point, a origin with photons, electrons and neutrons. All of life is encompassed in a three dimensional space with time as the 4th dimensional space in a xyz plane with fatty acids cresting a key component in a molecular level for life. As the universe sprung into the big bang, it was a frugal force that used the rules of gravity and the tankon's limit to state that as the universe gets older and expands into a larger xyz plane, gravity will eventually become more strained and there will be less gravity to hold the universe and using the logic tankon's, the universe will eventually collapse at a rate of speed so much that the universe will become a single photon that will inevitably become a fatty acid
"Ms. Malam's body responds to the cold, winter weather by using fatty-ostasis to hibernate through the winter."
A woman whose weight problem can most easily be attributed to a habit of general overindulgence, but more specifically her fondness for any form of dessert
Ben: God, that woman's put on a fair bit of weight hasn't she?
Greg: Yeah, she's turned into a right fatty pudding