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Beaver Fever

Term often used to describe the extreme hangover one has after the Canada Day long weekend.

I didn't make it back to work until the Thursday after Canada Day because I had such a bad case of Beaver Fever.

by GinSeven July 5, 2010

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Dropped by Fever

Having an all around awesome time

Tim: hey how was the party
Matt: I was dropped by fever
Tim: it was that good! Wish I was invited

by ObamaInACan June 20, 2011

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Gun Fever

A disease of the mind that comes from an unhealthy obsession with guns.

Poor Josh, he has been watching gun videos on YouTube all day.
He must have gun fever.

by Michunga May 25, 2020

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Night Fever

A fake excuse a Bahamian DJ gives you for what is clearly herpes. It may or may not be caused by the excessive handling of "roofies".

Victims have been known to sleep for entire days of their vacations and lose the ability to wrestle the most powerful thoughts of their unconscious away from their mouths. If they don't let out these irrepressible thoughts verbally the skin on their lips has been known to bubble up.

For example a victim of night fever might suddenly say something like "I can't wait to see your penis" to avoid a potentially embarrassing night fever flare up.

by djnightfever March 22, 2011

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Moose fever

Rare ailment caused by the practice of drinking raw moose blood.

Symptoms of Moose Fever include: lethargy, muscle aches, excessive yawning and impotence. In extreme cases if left untreated can lead to coma and death.

by The Incredible Dynamo November 12, 2007

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pineapple fever

Being only attracted to those who are of Pacific Islander, Hawaiian, or Polynesian decent.

It is similar to hay fever and jungle fever, and presents as a warm tingly feeling in the genital region when around the aforementioned people.

When visiting Hawaii, Jen had a case of sudden Adult Onset Pineapple Fever.

by luckybones00 February 11, 2015

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party fever

to want to or be in the act of partying so hard you become delirious with the need to DANCE!!! BOOGIEWONDERLAND!!!

Hey Josรฉ I want to go to the club so bad, I think I have party fever!

by GreenTornadoe October 13, 2014

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