A sexual act in which one pleasures your partners phallus by mouth. This act is not to be confused with a blow "job", which involves reciprocity(ie muff diving) . A Fun Suck is performed for the pure enjoyment which comes with applying vacuum like pressure on a limp or erect phallus.
Unselfish and ready for a thrill, Becky threw Chad on the mattress and gave him a good ole fun suck.
When a girl gives an oral sex to a guy using her teeth only.
Guy 1: „Yo man, my girl gave me a raw suck yesterday..”
Guy 2: „Oh shit fam...are you okay down there?” *proceeds to suck him off to ease the pain*
In short, someone who will bend over backwards to blow the guy looking over their shoulder.
An individual who makes frequent, obvious, and sometimes disingenuous attempts to impress, please, or win favor with people who are either in a position of authority over them, or who have something that they want. One can be a suck-up because they wish to gain something tangible (promotion/pay, favors, gifts, etc.) by pleasing the other person, or because of a pathological need to be liked by others, the former being more common. At least a few suck-ups can be found in most workplaces.
Similar: brown-noser, teacher's pet, kiss-ass, ass kisser, yes-man.
To "suck up" (two words, usually not hyphenated) is the act of being a suck-up.
Similar: Brown-nose, brown-nosing, ass-kissing.
Guy 1) Wow, dude. Jerry is running all over Hell and creation to make his boss happy. I'm surprised he hasn't bent over backwards to blow the guy yet.
Guy 2) Yeah, well promotions are right around the corner and Jerry's a world-class suck-up.
Guy 1) Is there anything else I can do for you today, sir? Do you need a cup of coffee, perhaps?
Guy 2) Jerry, don't suck up to me. Nobody's getting Christmas bonuses this year and that includes you.
1) To give a really bad performance, in an otherwise stellar show
2) To suck on an epic scale
Tom: So you saw T4 in the theatres? How was it?
Bill: The effects were awesome, but Christian Bale termi-sucked as John Connor
an act in which the giver of a blow job strokes and sucks as hard and as sensual as possible knowing that the receiver of the blow job wants to fight back and not cum, to the point where they can't take it anymore and an explosion occurs
My wife just torture suck ed me!!
Come torture suck my cock!!
When giving or reviving oral sex and you or your partner stops right as one or the other is about to cum. Leaving you or your partner in total disappointment. You got zucc'ed.
My girlfriend was boppin me up and then she gave me the zucc suck right as I was about to nut nut.
The Violence sucking of someone squeezing in snot to prevent from dripping of nose condensation.
"Francesca, I was talking to Carl and my nose started dripping condensation and so I had to resort to nose sucking to stop the embarrassment."