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An Almighty BlobFish

Hope is an almighty BlobFish

by Anonymousy1 June 26, 2023


Hope is pretty cool and also fingered your father

Hope is soo queer

by Supercoolgal69 November 24, 2021


The literally definition of a “milf” her picture pops up when looking up the word “sexy” in the dictionary

Hope is the hottest woman in the world. None can compare

by Billy125 September 4, 2023


a tiny little adorable wooper

oh my look its a hooper hope

by i forgor forgerring August 1, 2022


hope is the bestest friend you could ever ask for!! she is the kindest and has the most beautiful soul!! she always looks out for you and is so supportive of you and your goals. though it’s hard for her to open up, she is great to talk to and is good at giving advice and helping you out when things get tough. she’s constantly motivating you and helping you. and on top of all of this, she is STUNNING OMG!! she could so totally get anyone’s number if she wants, but she settles for complete assholes and waits it out for them, even though she could really have anyone she wants. she wants to spend time with you and likes to talk to you, and she’s just all around an amazing person. though she is short, she’s tough and full of life. overall, she’s just got the best personality and people will fight over being her friend. if you get a best friend named hope, you better KEEP THAT BITCH! i love u bubba <3

person 1: omg hope is my best friend!
person 2: i wish she was my best friend. she seems really sweet :(

by brynagade May 5, 2020


Pope Francis said that "He hopes that hell is empty" Which is a nice thing to hope for... That every man and woman is redeemed... Yeah, I like that... I like this guy.

Hym "Undermines my whole plan here a little bit... No one to bare witness to my escape... No gays to save... I mean... It really undercuts my whole thing... Well, no, yeah they'll still me get out from, like, the other side... Baah... No, no. I can't get behind it. Being better than everyone (existentially) is meaningless in a vacuum. I need people there to mock as I escape. Mockery fuels my energies.... Energy. One singular type energy of which I have the most. No. I hope not."

by Hym Iam January 24, 2024


False, conditional hope.

Hym "Hope at the cost of service to a coward."

by Hym Iam September 10, 2023