Source Code

Glass Cannon Moderation

A moderation system in which it is effectively a glass cannon, usually consisting of slight discrepancies or bias to result in a mishap in servers.

This is most common in communities with corrupt moderation teams or outright bad ones.

Otis: "bro did you get banned from the forum"
Paul: "yeah, their Glass Cannon Moderation banned me for something slightly inappropriate when he wrote 3 troll posts"

by Not AstroSoup_ May 6, 2022

The Glass Road Trucker

The act of defecating on your victim's back deck within wiping distance of a sliding glass door. Next spread cheeks and press against glass. Using a downward motion, leave your 'skid mark'.

Bonus points for the ding-dong-ditch immediately after.

Fuck that asshole! The Glass Road Truckers haul ass tonight!

by Dachau Cabana August 10, 2010

Cum Glass challenge

Every December 1st all males will cum into a glass and jug it down like a shot, feel free to add any other liquids to it (no more then 1 oz), such as coke or alcohol e.g.

You: Novembers finally over!

Friend: Its Cum Glass challenge which means you have to cum into a glass and jug it!
"Grabs glass and walks into bedroom"

by ShadowLalo November 28, 2021

glass bottomed boat

the act of wrapping seran wrap around a partner's head, and then performing the cleveland steamer on the seran wrap.

by Anonymous April 15, 2003

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glass coffee table

A metaphor for the larger thing being destroyed in an attempt to eliminate a much smaller thing.

The conservative justices might have noted that 'voting fraud', which several states claim they are trying to prevent, is essentially nonexistent. As one federal judge put it, such laws are akin to using โ€œa sledgehammer to hit an imaginary fly on a glass coffee table.โ€

by Monkey's Dad July 2, 2021

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Glass Pattern Baldness

Premature balding found in test tube babies.

I went to the doctor and discovered that not only was I a test tube baby, but that this would cause me to develop glass pattern baldness by the time I am 23.

by itsthatbradguy July 13, 2010

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Tuna a la glass

A delicacy made out of a can of tuna and powdered glass. Mix the glass into the tuna, and serve to cats. The cats will love it as it cuts through their teeth and gums, and will enjoy the experience of crapping it out, if they live long enough.

"Honey, those stray cats are coming around again. I think we better give them Tuna a la Glass this time."

by Rossi October 12, 2004

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