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Easy Work

Any activity, ranging from light to heavy duty, that is perceived as easy; 15% Arrogance, 35% Determination, 50% Hard Work.

Foreman: Hey, did you complete that whole job by yourself?
Worker: Yeah.
Foreman: Really? That's amazing!
Worker: That's easy work, man.

by Tilothe40th May 31, 2018

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Mash a works

A Jamaican slang denoting doing something, oftentimes relating to a physical task for a job (legal or illegal), but can also be sexual.

Mi ago mash a works by the docks later and then come check you. Meaning I am going to do a job by the docks later and then come by you

The girl from last night link me, so mi ago circle her endz and mash a works. Meaning that girl from last night contact me, so I am going by her house to have sex.

by Skeng123 January 23, 2022

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work daddy

The male counterpart of a sexual workplace relationship, either long or short term, most commonly used to climb a corporate ladder.

Nah... We ain't in love, but he my work daddy doe.

by Lockport Danny May 12, 2016

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Getting Worked

For a guy to start grinding with a girl, and unable to handle her grinding, dipping, twerking, yiking on you.

Guy 1: Yo dude! Did you see Jake at the dance?
Guy 2: What happened bro?
Guy 1: He was getting worked by Laquanda!

by TrackBoi2013 August 24, 2013

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working on the keys

When a girl sticks her hand down a guys pants and starts to give him a hand job as they sit side by side with her dominant hand. May look like she's shuffling around in his pocket for keys but requires hand on penis contact. Usually, the guy is not expecting it. May be done at dinner table, meetings and other events where people are present.

If she can finish before the meeting, dinner or program she is considered a Key Master.

Guy 1: Sitting at the meeting, she started working on the keys with everyone right there!
Guy 2: What did you do?
Guy 1: I fucking let her finish- that's what I did.

by DreamBiggest October 17, 2017

work release

A system where prisoners work to get paid while serving their sentences.

When Patrick was in prison,he worked at Prospect Hill Cemetery for work release.

by JMC70 October 21, 2017

Home work

something made to ruin the lives of people sent by the gods = Arceus or what not, homework is wort than freaking Arceus's judgement, this bad stuff was made for freakin jerks or smart nerds to rule the world, and this is like attack on titan, more like attack on homework and giving you a flippin sting in the face and paper cutting your head off.this is the worlds secret 8th sin(only for teachers who are mean or the best teachers in the world but have no choice) that is the end of the human race, it is the start of death and and human kind's leap into a buzzsaw. The GIF down below shows what i wanna do with my home work.(the briefcase is the home work)

(dont take this wayyyy too seriously it's just a joke and it's

what i think when i get home work, dont take this too far, p
romise?hope you do)

Example of how it's used in a sentence: (on a gravestone) death of Home work( suicided to end her misery) RIP (Girl's name)

by MilosealQ October 31, 2018