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Love is just nothing, just being fooled by others. But still some one says that he is in love it means he/she can die for that person whom he/she thinks he/she loves.

I love my mom and my dad and i can die for them but not for Anjum

by Amit Allen March 13, 2006

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Something no one can hide from no matter where you go and what you do. There will always be that person who's supporting you through thick and thin. That person might be hard to find, but when you find him/him, it'll be all worth it.

I love him more than anything else in the world.

by iTurtlexP March 28, 2009

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A bunch of bullshit.

love doesnt exist

by Some_mother_fucking_gu August 1, 2010

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A profound, tender, passionate affection. A spectacular, all-encompassing, euphoric, virtually indescribable feeling that leaves you breathless, and aching for more. The way someone looks into your eyes, and you know, without a doubt, that they are your soul-mate. The passion one feels for something or someone. A term of endearment for the person whom one feels this way towards. Not being able to escape thinking about this person, and incompletion, sadness, loss, and tears, without them in your life. The way you are willing to give up everything else just to spend one more second in their arms. You are willing to do anything to let them know how you feel about them, and your greatest wish is that they feel the same about you...because that would be perfection. The feeling you get while standing on a cliff above the ocean, underneath a kissing moon, and for the first time tasting the lips of the person you want to spend the rest of your life with. The way you feel when they hold you in their arms, and you realize that it is the only place you have ever wanted to be. Someone who can make you feel something that you have never before experienced in your entire life...a feeling that becomes like the air you breathe, and you will do anything to hold onto it. No matter what happens, this love remains. It is impossible to erase true love, because true love only happens one, and you never, ever, forget it. True love becomes a part of you, as does the person you felt it for. You will love them forever, no matter what.

Lacee: "I will love you forever, Tory. No matter what happens, you will always be my love."

by Killer_Lipstick May 13, 2007

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The special bond between two people. Love is one of the greatest emotions. Normally it is explanned with a picture of a heart. All though it can just be said like "i love you". Love is a great thing, it can make you happy despite all lifes struggles.

1. Caleb Loves Christine
2. bob loves bobette
3. Girl one: Oh i got a heart card from jimmy. Girl two: Oh my goodness he loves you!!!!
4. Guy: Argh i had such a hard time at work QQ
Girl: I love you
Guy: im so happy, work is awesome :D

by Caleb Eaton June 18, 2008

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It is more than an emotion or an ever-present thought.

its that single person your mind immediately turns to when listening to a love song, or a song of loss. Its that single person you want to share everything with and the only person you will ever want to. TRUE love is forever even if by life's inevitable curve balls you get hit and lose that relationship, the love will never come to loss.

love is a new you. Its not an emotion its an entity that literally transforms your being.

love is something that cannot be defined properly. it is not the many similarities of each person that create love, it is not the way they attract you or whether both person's goals and interests are the same.

love in the best words able, is a undefined entity that makes you feel overwhelming desire, passion, care, and need for that person, forever.

TRUE love doesn't happen through internet, phone calls, or the search through dating. it can never be explained fully and the initial happening cannot be placed.

by Abbie Robinson July 23, 2008

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A feeling you can get with only one person. It last forever and you wind up never picturing yourself with someone else.
Symptoms: Cant let go, Willing to wait forever, Scared to lose him, miss him every second of your life and so on (:<3

Perfect example : Karen&Jasper 100206 now&forever
This is Love (: &hearts;

by Karen&Jasper May 26, 2007

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