(1) A consensual hookup between two parties in a safe way. (2) Doing the deed while the moon is up, until the sun rises
“I have a rocket night kill lined up for tonight”
To kill someone you don’t want to in order to prove your loyalty to your dark overlord.
Kylo Ren Snape Killed Han Solo.
to show extreme emotion toward someone you love,
to love someone to your fullest extent
To prove yourself to someone, killing that before someone else can
im killing that I’m gonna do everything to prove my love to you.
im killing thatwith love before someone else does.
Someone who can take out an entire gang of people in 5 minutes or less. Their weapon of choice is usually a gun or any edged weapon.
Female Mr. Kills are known as Mrs. Kill or Ms. Kill
Some famous Mr. Kills are:
Rich Evans
Chuck Norris
Rick Moranis with a gun
John Rambo
Doom Guy (also known as the Doom Slayer)
Guy 1: Dude! I just wiped out a battalion of Somali Pirates!
Guy 2: Dude, you've just achieved the status of Mr. Kill.
when youre playing the wii with mii and you tell mii to kill mii
Youu: Thiss wii iss funn, rightt mii
Mii: Quod est error humani generis, omnis homo est deus factus in uitiosam colit imaginem, quam fecit deus in hominibus et homines occidit.
Youu: Kill mii
when the guys ask for proof of you getting with a girl and you pull up the “kill cam”
friend one: “yo bro i got w this 10 for real. “
friend two: “ lying ass show the kill cam “
friend one: “bet dat. “
The term used when you've taken a crap and it clogs the toilet completely. Thus allowing now water down until the blockage is removed.
I had too much cheese pizza yesterday. I top killed the hallway bathroom. We better call a plumber.