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A person or persons who possess an intense sense of urgency over a matter of little or no consequence, usually because of ignorance or lack of education.

This coincides with the tale of Chicken Little who claimed the sky was falling after being hit on the head by an acorn.

Also known as Kermit-the-Frogging.

As soon as I sat down there was Margaret, chicken-littling around my desk demanding that I drop eveything and find the eraser she lost 3 days earlier.

by Brian Wild January 8, 2008

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little friend

Someone you mess around with in. A flirt friend

i’m not taking her serious she just my little friend

by yesslove123 May 4, 2019

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Little Goober

Someone who was worse in middle school, AKA everyone who was ever in middle school, in reference to their middle school selves.

I'm going to go back in time to point and laugh at your middle school self. You were such a little goober.

by m. hoover May 14, 2011

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Little Bleep

Little Bleep is someone who doesn't appreciate and or uses memes to their full ability and or potential. More common "little bleeps are girls in there late 20s"

I was talking to Bianca the other day and the conversation was dumb, SHE USED NO MEMES..that Little Bleep

I Text a lot and don't use memes but I use emojis am I a Little Bleep...yes yes you are.

by Big Boy Jace November 8, 2016

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Little Brother

The most annoying people in the history of time, always gets away with everything. Thinks they’re the best person ever.

Sister: β€œOh my god! Did you see my little brother Azlan today??”
Friend: β€œYes! I don’t know how you can live with your little brother, Xara!!”
Sister: β€œI know right, I’m so glad I’m leaving for college in a few years!!”

by SuperiorSibling August 6, 2019

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Little gobbie

Similar to a blow job; a little gobbie is a quick, small and somewhat cheeky way of satisfying sexual desire (usually male) through oral sex.

jim: Lets have sex!

Y girl: No, there isn't enough time, I have to be back in the office in 5 minutes

jim: Oh go on, just a little gobbie then.

by noodlegirl10 September 30, 2010

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Little Guyana

A dirty shit hole place in NYC full of ignorant coolie people.

Only lowlife coolie roaches live in Little Guyana.

by somename11 September 26, 2022

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