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can slicing

when your at a party and someone leaves the room you take a knife cut a hole in there can and watch them be angry when they try to take a drink

"dude i was can slicing everyones cans and i got kicked out"

by funny elephant December 17, 2008

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plastic and cans

awesome, sweet, radical, far out, out of this world, da bomb,

Bro, this party is so plastic and cans

by bad bromance May 4, 2010

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Can Opener

The can opener is when the male proceeds to do her from behind and puts both thumbs in her butthole.

I was boning my girlfriend and decided to perform the can opener.

I still smell her ass on my thumbs now.

by Jim lahey69 October 13, 2020

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Sloppy Cans

Large breasts that tend to spill out of clothing.

Bartender, I'll have a Corona, and get the girl down there with the sloppy cans whatever she wants.

by the B.O.B. August 23, 2008

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retardation in a can

1. Kids with the intelligence of the dumbest dog who superglue paper to their eyebrows then proceed to rip it off
2. Anyone below your grade level in High School

"That freshman Is retardation in a can"
-Kid with average intelligence

by aagentxissavage December 13, 2017

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When you have warts in your hand and you finger blast a girl and it makes the noise a gas can nozzle does when it goes in and out of the can.

Wyatt was gas-canning his girlfriend last night.

by Dr.Doe June 19, 2018

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canned pork

Reference to Spam, but with an internet context, such as a "spam" topic on a forum.

That new user's post was nothing but canned pork.

by Ozzy_Oswalt January 8, 2008

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