Source Code

Joe Biden

A Brainfart.

To Utterly screw up and have no Idea how you screwed up.

The state of being a political puppet.

To be locked in a basement.

Gosh Bob, the election numbers just came in and that racist old schmuck actually won. The electors must have had a Joe Biden.

Dang Joe, that tactical withdrawal from Afghanistan sure was a Joe Biden!

Hey Frank, I heard that Kamala Harris is in charge behind the scenes. Me too John, this whole situation sounds like a Joe Biden.

Hey Kamala, will you let me out of this basement... Hello Kamala, you there? Hello? Darn whipersnappers. A classic Joe Biden.

by XiJinpingMaoGuevaraChurchill October 8, 2021

4πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Joe Biden

A senile old man who fenagled himself into running the entire U.S. by essentially promising to fix everything with the wave of a magic wand and that, "orange man racist, orange man bad" (in case you're brain is filled with as many holes as a fine swiss cheese, that's not an actual Biden quote) and is in a running gun battle with his teleprompter.

"Dude did you see Joe Biden's fight with the teleprompter today?"
"Yeah it looks like the teleprompter won. In fact, the teleprompter beat this old fuck like a drum."

by Ahumanbeingonplannetearth July 13, 2021

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Joe Biden

Some cracker who ran for president of the United States in 2020.

β€œ Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids.” - Joe Biden, 2019

β€œ if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.” - Joe Biden, 2020

by Just another Patriot December 22, 2020

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Joe biden

Joe is overall the biggest dummy you will ever meet. He cannot speak in a full sentence ever. Joes favorite hobbies include sniffing young girls , talking to the dead people that voted for him, and tripping on stairs.

If you come across joe biden , RUN he will sniff you

by Runner from joe May 7, 2021

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Joe biden

A Senile old fart who likes to kiss little boys on the mouth and likes his sister and thinks hes his own husband and says malarkey to everything

Joe biden is a pedophile and onces kissed my 3 year old sister on her lips and almost made out with her but i pulled her away before the senile old fart could.

by June 21, 2021

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joe biden

your mom is a joe biden

joe biden a cock sucking dickwad that runs america

by titty licker 69 December 17, 2021

11πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž


A joe-biden is a fucktard wrapped in the foreskin of stupid fucks , that are stuffed with skunk shit and covered with a thick layer of der-de-der .

If a joe-biden ever approaches you, be careful .. The smell and stupidity will. Kill a normal man

by C-dub73 February 24, 2022

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