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The People's Strudel


Term from "The Rock" of WWF wrestling. He calls himself "The People's Champ" and calls his penis "The People's Strudel"

"Do you want a taste of the People's Strudel?"

by Jason Law June 26, 2006

174๐Ÿ‘ 208๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pod People

Generally, pod people are considered to be smaller than normal human beings, but are an alien race living amongst us. They recharge their power cells by returning to their pods, this is something they must do at least once every week. Their task in being sent to Earth is to find small women who they will be able to 'pod' with. They then preform unknown mating rituals within the pod, resulting in new pod people, and the conversion of the human woman into a pod person, with her own pod. Characteristics of pod people are: long noses, gambling, short temper, preference for feminine alcoholic drinks, large black desk chairs, small women, and going to the gym. Beware of any person that fits this description, if you are a woman, men are generally safe from 'podding,' since the woman pod people are unable to 'pod' with human males.

Developmental Stages:
Most newly born pod people cannot function outside of their pod until around 7 Earth years old. They can jet around the universe at near relativistic speeds, and must settle on a planet with life by the age of 10 Earth years. If they do not, then they will outgrow their pod and be forced to climb out, and die a cold death in the vast void of the universe.
If they are able to reach a planet, they will hibernate in orbit of the planet until they are exactly 10 years old in Earth years. On their 10th birthday, they will crash land into the planet. Upon crash landing, they will begin to grow a new, adult-sized pod, and will finish this stage after 5 more Earth years. Pod People emerge from undergroung on their 15th birthday. When they emerge, they will live amongst the natives, feeding on native food and trying to pod with females. They will become parasites of the dominant race of the planet, podding with females to create more pod people.
A pod person's life span tends to exceed that of normal terrestrial species, due to the recharging abilities of the pod. But, the pod usually runs out of its recharging ability near its 500th Earth year of existence, so pod people tend to die after around 515 years and 1 week of life.

If you believe to be in contact with a pod person, make sure to tell all females of the pod person's status, and make sure that they WILL NOT 'pod' with them at any time. This is a parasitic race which needs to be exterminated. They have been known to use the movie 'love actually' as an aphrodisiac to lure females into their pod.

"WOW, Andrew is such a Pod Person, fag."

"God, I hate Pod People"

by John Tits December 12, 2007

25๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž

People Nation

The Almighty 5 Star family include Vice Lords.Black P Stones,Latin Kings,Spaninsh Lords,Mickey Cobras,and Etc. Their enemies are the Folk Nation including Black Disciples, Gangsta Disciple,Black Gangster Disciple,and other branches. Some People Nation members roll with some blood gangs, but not every people nation member respects bloods. I aint a brick so I dont know if GD's supposed to get along with crips or not, but alot of times I see Crips and GD's they always shake up(show love to each other). Me being Traveling Vice Lord I really dont give a fuck who want it wit 5olid. My brother is a member of the Gangster Disciples. Even though my organization beefin wit GD's my brother is my family. Never will I turn my back on my niggaz or my family. Praise Allah Lord of the World.Almighty loves nobody loves Almighty. TVL 20-22-12

People Nation as in the 5 star family originating in Chicago

by Lord Disaster August 3, 2007

125๐Ÿ‘ 147๐Ÿ‘Ž

Stick People

Stick People are really thin and usually short in stature. They almost always suffer from little man's syndrome. Stick People can either be male or female. Sometimes named Angela or Brandon. Most normal people don't get along with Stick People. Typically Stick People are over-bearing, loud, drunk or high on Extacy, and like to show up where they were clearly not invited and / or wanted, often over staying their worn out welcome. Stick people like to pop pills & call you at 2am needing a place to stay, more weed, alcohol, advice, money, etc.

"One of the Stick People crashed my BBQ yesterday, proceeded to get hammered, pop pills, smoked all my weed, made a HUGE scene & finally left at 8pm."

by Chuckie Beav February 24, 2010

9๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

other people

A song by former f(x) member Amber liu.
Where she made out with a โ€œfriendโ€

โ€œthIs iS scAndaLoUsโ€
โ€œIโ€™m replacing you with other people!โ€

by Felixsfrecklessss December 7, 2019

10๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Onion People

A mischievous group of aliens that live n another planet.

The do not resemble onions, oh no. Their planet has many layers, like an onion.
They consider themselves superior and want to study the human race. Theyโ€™re generally humanoid, as I understand it but they are not humans, not at all.

We do see them in our lives, but they erase our memories. You almost never know when youโ€™ve been a victim of the Onion People, as they send you back to the exact second they took you so you never know.

No one knows how they came to be, or what they feed on. (Though it is believed that their obsession with onions is obvious in their everyday diets)
There powers have made them all but impossible to study.
We do know, however, if you dont escape they keep you forever.
Only a select few know of there existence through keen observarion. When you lose youโ€™re train of thought, you'r eyes get all wattery for no reason, or something magically disappears, that is the work of the Onion People.

You have been warned.

Person 1: Yeah, man it was....wait.....what was i saying?
Person 2: i dont know...what where we even talking about?
Person 1: do you think the Onion People got us?
Person 2:shit man, they must have. Are my eyes are a little wattery? Yours are.
Person 1: Yeah man, shoot. Well at least we escaped.

by Love_Said_no April 22, 2009

12๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Black people

A myth

Dan- Do you believe in black people?
God- Nah bro

by Thatthotnigger May 20, 2022

32๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž