Slime pocket, the females vagina
I would love nothing more then to ejaculate in her slime pocket
Guy 1: Yeah I totally touched "The Pocket of life" Man!
Guy 2: Dammmmmn! you got lucky!
Pocket AWP is a revolver that was released in CSGO where it can one tap a fully armored enemy with a body shot. People say this was one of the most broken patches in CSGO history. Valve then nerfed the weapon by adding a delay to the shot after 2 days of its release.
Pocket awp is more stupid than the pocket ak 47.
The act of secretly putting something into someone's pocket, the opposite of pick pocketing.
I found an iphone in my pocket the other day, absolute no clue how it got there, someone must have been gift pocketing
You can stick your pork sword in my pork pocket.
I'm horny. I better find me a squash pocket to creampie.
Is a self defense technique that involves carrying a pocket sized cow in case of attack. When attacked you whip it out and throw it at the assailant. Because no one has a prepared defense for such a random attack it has the effect of stunning an assailant who is left for some time processing "hey, did that guy just throw a cow at me?" This allows you plenty of time to escape as the assailant tries to dislodge the now expanded to full size cow. A variant of the Pocket Cow is the Dancing Pocket Cow which also inflicts steady small damage from the four hooves until the cow is dislodged. Creation credit: RPGIlluminati
Oh no, he has a gun; deploy pocket cow!
Wait, what , did that guy just throw a cow at me?... (followed by spamming the space bar or tapping the screen for some time to get the cow off) Where did he go?