An expression to convey surprise or even delight utilising the alliteration of letter ‘r’.
The surprise of having been anally violated in some violent manner in a farm yard or back country setting.
The preposition can vary but the sentiment remains the same. For example, ‘Roger me rigid with a barn pole!’ ‘.....up a barn pole!’ etc...
Roger me rigid round a barn pole! Our Sheila’s having twins.
According to Cory, it means jacking off.
"Last night before you came over i was sweeping out the pole barn in the shower."
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Extremely good comeback for anyone, whether its a bully, friend or someone online calling you "gay" or anything similar in an attempt to offend and provoke you. If only I came up with this insult when an old friend called me a gay person.
Person 1: Why are you touching me? Are you gay?
Person 2: Bro, I'm Straighter than the pole your mom dances on
Person 1: (Speechless)
As coined by the upcoming youtube movie "The Dark Show".
Carl: What are you doing tonight.
Phil: I thought I'd help Batman Take Robin for a slide down the meat pole.
Carl: So what you're telling me is that Batman's Taking Robin For a Slide Down the Meat Pole.
Phil: Yes.
Carl: TMI.
Phil: I fucking *hate* people who say "TMI.
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A phrase strongly stating that you do not wish, nor desire to oblige the current situation that is presented towards you.
Cult Leader: hey man, can you video tape me in my basement with my uhhh.. nephew?
Man: I'm not touching that with a 20 foot pole and a 40 foot extension
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Surprise or exclamation.
A long time not seeing a particularly good friend.
Hi John.
"Well, Fuck Me Gently with a 10 foot barge pole.",Bob, how you doing you old wanker.
Fine But, hows you.
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Tote your scrotums wherever you totem.
"Dude, like 25 beast-like plumbers with butt-crack-itis just totally did a magical Indian rain dance around my filthy rug-burnt scrotum pole!"