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poopy is a term used when something is poopy

my poop is very poopy

by bobr_ February 10, 2023


a word that 8 year old boys use, but 20 year olds also use it. it’s and adverb for poop. it’s stinky

I just shat myself”
“Does it smell like poopy?”

by appleapplesnapplesnapplebad January 11, 2020


An individual that needs to stop smelling bad and acting bad

April has always struggled being a poopy

by Mattifer August 2, 2022


Nickname for poppy,is superior to poppy but is just as much fun, her friends love to call her poopy it just slips off the 👅

Omg poopy, what are you doing

by Poopyholmesss November 25, 2021


A man who chases black people hor hee hee hee hee

Ronald called me a poopy

by Cummer84 May 4, 2022


extremely racist person

that nigga is a poopies fart

by skullwise April 20, 2022


What you say when you don't like something instead of saying, "dumb."

my friend: hits me in the balls
Me: OOoOOOohhHHhhHh that poopy dude wtf

by Ben of asguard March 22, 2021