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Jamaican Sand Slider

When you are boning a girl on the beach, and then you pull out when your dick is wet from her vagina. then u put it in the sand and get it covered with sand, and then stick it back in.

Man, I boned this chick on the beach last night. I gave her a Jamaican Sand Slider

by The Gentlemens Club May 22, 2010

14πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

jamaican sand turtle

When fucking some chick from behind on the beach grab the back of her head and shove it in the sand really hard

dude we missed you again last night?!

I know, i know pulled the jamaican sand turtle last night.

Awesome first the one eye panda now that???

by Privdonut April 3, 2008

15πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

Arabian Sand-Storm

An "Arabian Sand-Storm" is basically another trick to play on your mates when they are passed out. It consists of putting a testicle in both eye sockets and flatulating in the recipiants mouth, giving them a dry mouth, bad breath and a furry pair of testes in their eyes for when they wake up.

Mitch: Holy Macrel Gav Is Passed Out From Excessive Drinking
Bundi: Why Yes He Is Mitch, Perhaps We Should Do Something Of Comedical Benefit To Further Extend The Laughs We Had Tonight!
Angus: An Arabian Sand-Storm Would Be Ever So Hilarious...

by McRae August 31, 2006

16πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

arabian sand goggles

when a girl does a hand stand and is giving you a blow job and at the same time and your nut sack lies over her eyes like arabian sand goggles

arabian sand goggles

by frijolin89 February 12, 2009

52πŸ‘ 52πŸ‘Ž

Sand-Castle Crusher

Someone who just ruins your day. It doesn't help them at all other than to make them laugh. They suck.

Person 1: Dude, I hate Bill.

Person 2: Yeah, he's a total Sand-Castle crusher.

by Jesus152 December 14, 2010

6πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

sanding the flag pole

playing with oneself/ masterbating

JR spent the day "Sanding The Flag Pole"

by Schizzna September 7, 2008

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Sand Nigger

A racial slur against people from the Middle East regionβ€”although mostly towards Arab people. It's usually used by ignorant White supremacists and racists.

John: Do you know Jesus Christ was a Sand Nigger?
Terry: Yeah man, he was born in Bethlehem, Jerusalem after all. He's just a sand nigger.

by Dr. Nick Gurrs, PhD October 31, 2021

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