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stupid scoot

an ugly mini schnauzer that smells horrible and is super aggressive towards mucag

Ew! stupid scoot!

by Mootus April 12, 2021

Poopin' Stupid

Your so stupid that you pooped 12 seconds after you last big poo.

Joe is so Poopin' stupid that he pooped in the bushes 3 times in 5 minutes!

by watzlyfe December 19, 2018

Stupid show

Supernatural S.A. Town

Hey have you heard of the show Supernatural S.A. Town?
Yes I have. It sure is a stupid show.

by THEStupidPodcaster July 3, 2021

Stupid Slurdock

An incredibly old, incredibly evil old cunt who owns a massive media empire which he uses to manipulate and undermine democracy. A real facist piece of shit.

Fuck Stupid Slurdock. So waiting for that old cunt to die and go to meet his master. I hope he likes hot places.

by Cynical bloke April 13, 2019

Stupid Conversation

When you start with a random word or topic and you keep on adding more topics till you get to about 6-50(infinite) topics and when your done with the topics you go over every topic you were talking about.

Guy 1: bro, let’s start a stupid conversation

Guy 2: what’s a stupid conversation?

Guy 1: search it up on urban dictionary.
Guy 2: *searches up* yes let’s do that!

by Mr. Pickle Man November 7, 2021

I'm with stupid

Something you often wear on your T-shirt when next to a sibling in a family photo.

Dad: Son, why does your shirt say "I'm with stupid"?
Son: Because I am with my brother!
Dad: You're adopted

by SomeIdiot0nTheWeb May 6, 2022

Stupid shopper

That person who shops online at 3 am and end up with a lot of crap and no money.

“Why did you by this?”
Idk I’m just a stupid shopper

by Flowegirl February 27, 2020