An Awful virus in which college kids get super sick after spring break.
I just got back from Panama City Beach and now I’ve got the Florida flu.
A deadly disease believed to originate out of Greenville, NC. The Chinese Box disease is found in only chinese women.
Yo bro did you hear chad got the chinese box flu ?
The name parents and teachers use to describe the condition children, and sometimes teenagers, get when they don’t want to go to school for a day. From the time they wake up to the time they would be getting home, they seem inconsolable and close to death, but as soon as school is over they’re healthy and happy.
S: EHS Front Office
P: Hi, I’m Mrs. Bueller, my son Ferris is a bit under the weather
S: Oh my goodness ma’am, is he okay?
P: I think he’ll be fine. It seem like it’s just a case of the eight hour flu. I’m not too worried.
This is a WORD from a game call PLAGUE:INC and it will Change simians' IQ.This virus Made Inspired by a film Made call Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. 此词汇来自一款叫做瘟疫公司的游戏.该病毒会提高猩猩智商.且设计灵感来源于猩球黎明电影
Simian flu is changing simians' IQ.
In native El Salvador there is many diseases, one of which is the infamous Salvadoran screaming monkey flu. It is known to induce rampant seminal discharge and hormone difficulties, it is estimated that one out of 6 people catch it at some point in their lifetime
I just got Salvadoran screaming monkey flu, darn
a term used in a brass band to indicate a lack of articulation
miss bird - “it need to be less flu-de-flu guys”
Someone who acts like a bitch seasonally
Ayo i heard BIG KEV has the bitch ass flu