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Midnight City Buzz

a euphoric chemical reaction when the glazed foam of pure 1970's brut rose is coupled with the king of mints, Kim-mint. With the right environment, the right mood, will set the endorphins to its fullest form. While sharing the experience with your squad along a ton of bomb ass "dirty girls" being served by a certified midnight city concierge.

Warning: This method can only be done with a group of girls getting 2 hookahs, being served only by the midnight boyz.

Liz - Lets get the Midnight City buzz it's amazing

Jen - Ya I can use a Midnight City Buzz

by Alex kormos August 23, 2015

Midnight Monkeys

A group of devious individuals whos sole purpose is to cause criminal mischief.

Them Midnight Monkeys are devious as shit!

by Timfree January 19, 2023

Midnight Snack

A Midnight Snack is when you're woken up, from a dead sleep, at any time between 12 am and Sun-up (it has to still be dark out) with terrible diarrhea caused by the last meal you ate before going to bed.

If you are woken up with Shit Cramps, a Midnight Snack is almost certain to immediately follow.

Bro, I ate WAY too much Chinese food. I'm definitely gonna wake up for a midnight snack tonight

by Munson G. September 12, 2022

Midnight Snack

Having company over for some adult time in the middle of the night without staying over. When somone comes over for seggy time ridiculously late at night. Snacking late

Is anyone coming over tonight?

Yeah, i'll probably have a midnight snack at some point.

by Annah11 July 18, 2023

midnight snacks

exercising as i like to call it

i exercised to the fridge at 12:14. totally not for midnight snacks

by greenghost110 September 15, 2020

midnight effect

A phenomenon where you start acting weird after midnight and you don't go to bed.
The symptoms tend to get worse after midnight hour by hour.

Your friend: *started saying and acting something weird*
You : he's not usually like this. It must be because of the midnight effect.

by Robert Blarg December 27, 2024

Midnight 15

When it's midnight or later and a guy gets hungry for junk food. You got to cut the carbs and stick to protein to not become a fat loser guy. Don't eat carb rich foods. Stick to protein rich foods and healthy fats and exercise and fruits and vegetables and meats. No sodas at midnight or pies or fries or any of that junk.

Steve: I'm going to diet.

Tony: Me too. Watch out for the Midnight 15! It's when you eat a lot at midnight or later and then get fat.
Steve: What's the worst that could happen?

Steve: I'm going to eat cheeseburgers with triple bread and extra fries and a huge soda.

Tony: I'm going to switch out the buns of cheeseburgers with carb smart buns and eat a lot less fries and also a diet soda. I'm also going to make a onion and avocado salad.

*1 month later.

Steve: Aw man! I gained 9lbs.

Tony: Yes! I lost 7lbs.

Steve: Why?!

Tony: Haha! You're a fat loser!

by HawaiianPunch1 August 12, 2024