Source Code

Steven William Anderson

Steven William Anderson is a kickback White-Boy, in the High Desert.

Steven William Anderson lives in Victorville and runs around the whole High Desert.

by Minor* May 14, 2022

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Steven William Anderson

Steven William Anderson, is a Awesome guy who runs around Victorville California.

Steven William Anderson, has a awesome daughter named Sierra.

by Minor* May 19, 2022

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stevens point face mask

When a 44+ year old man uses his stretch marks to cover his crippled misanthropic friend's nose and mouth holes, but leaves a snorkel made of rusty beer cans within arm's reach, for breathing or sex stuff

Man, I was hanging out with Chad today and he really gave Cyrus the ol' stevens point face mask last week; he was walking with a limp, still, so clearly Cy chose life.

by Wise_comment June 1, 2021

Steven Todd Dickerson (STD)

To be an obnoxious prick/hick, a racecar driving womanizer, who's has no problem plowing your daughter and or sister sometimes mom. You can catch him in the sticks or the boonies taking your sis on a joy ride. An absolutely lovely individual.

'' Steven Todd Dickerson (STD) took my sis out last night in his stupid car he is a fucking hick ass''.

by madmother October 12, 2018

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Steven Crowder Response

When a person presents themselves as wanting to learn a different perspective on a topic, but is only using that as a ruse for them to present their own perspective on a topic in a condescending & unhelpful manner.

comes from a tweet posted by Steven Crowder on his twitter account on February 18, 2018, featuring an image of him sitting as a kiosk just outside of the Texas Christian University which featured a sign that read "Male privilege is a myth. change my mind." this image quickly became famous as people started changing the topic to fit any situation they need. the image was immortalized as a meme.

Person A: So what good has capitalism ever done for any country?

Person B: a lot good example A example b example c

Person A: Ha, you're clearly an uneducated bigot those examples you cited where actually thanks to opposing ideology

Person B: ...Dude... Steven Crowder Response much?

by SergeantSoN'So April 12, 2021

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Steven Universe Future Finale

The ending to the epilogue series Steven Universe Future was a very tragic event that hit all the Steven Universe Fandom in the feels and had a very stupid way of being resolved; Steven's corruption was caused by him feeling like a monster yet the way this was resolved by ... a hug. After everything he has been through it can't be solved by a hug, him leaving his home town and becoming independent is key to him growing as a person.

Person A: Wasn't the Steven Universe Future Finale appalling.
Person B: I know, the movie was great then it went so downhill.

by Harold_ur_mum_ April 21, 2020

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Steven Tyler Meadows

Steven Tyler Meadows is gayer than gay, and so is his sister Tara because she has a penis

Steven Tyler Meadows is gay

by Southernboy01 August 25, 2019

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