A woman's soaked, clotted and bloody tampon that's perfect to quench the thirst for blood. Exclusively sold on Ebays dark market.
Dude I bought myself a vampire cocktail. Just need something to suck on...
Yeah, yeah. I've heard it all before. Fuck you too you fucking solipsist. Isn't it funny how people who surround themselves with sycophants and people on the payroll are always the self-appointed arbiters morality? Self appointed arbiters of good people and bad people but they're fucking solipsistic to the core. Like the role of other people in life is to be pleasant to they can "live their best life"
Hym "Yup, it's the energy vampires. Not the fucking solipsists who think they're fucking better than you. 'WhY aRe YoU tRyInG tO ComPeTe WiTh Me!? I'm JuSt TrYiNg To LiVe My LiTtLe SoLiPsItIc LiFe WiThOuT hAvInG tO fEeL bAd!' Can't ever be you, can it? Can't be you who is the piece of shit, can it? It's always somebody else. It's not the people trying to abscond other the solution to A.I. Not the people imposing schizophrenia. You don't ever have to do anything. It wouldn't ever be you 'BeCaUsE yOuR bEhAvIoR.' You're trash. Absolute garbo."
The boy looks at picture of a sexy vampire chick with her boobs out and having his imagination and stroking himself while he feels the stimulation in is penis. As soon as he Ejaculates, he has finished feeling the power of the sexy Vampire Chick.
Masturbating Pictures of a Hot Vampire Chick with at least a pair of her boobs out with no shame in her. Power with a feeling of Virtual Vampire Chick
Sucks up all your time asking pointless question and also never purchases furniture.
Susan helpped out one of the worse Furniture Vampires because she spend 4 hours with them and they decided they wouldn't buy the sofa they liked.
To vampire is to hire an albino and make them bite a friend og family member, then after a few days you start putting a little bit of molly in their food at night, the they will start craving the night, and if all goes well the will think they are a vampire and bite someone.
I vampiered my sister a few days ago.
I am going to vampire my friend.
A condition in which a man craves period sex
Tom is always more eager to bang when I’m on my period. He’s got vampire dick.