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chilli willy

A rare mishap which occurs during an after dinner wank.

When wanking you notice a rather significant sensation. It may be intensely painful or pleasantly warm, hot even.

You worry for a moment and even panic as it feels as though your sausage is being cooked. You look at your hands which appear clean. After a moment it clicks. You put two and two together.

Your meal was rather spicy, containing large amounts of high potency chilli sauce. Some must have gotten on your hands.

Dave: Steve, come down and check this out!
Steve: I can't right now, I'll come down in a few.
Dave: You're going to miss it! The cat's stuck in the toilet!
Steve: I can't, I've got a severe case of chilli willy.

Steve: *limps down the corridor*
Dave: What's happened? Did you get hit in the balls?
Steve: No, I've got chilli willy you silly willy.

by DeluxeFartJuiceLevelNine January 28, 2023


The process of wiping your own Shmegma upon another persons ear to recreate the famous “wet Willy

“I just have Sonny a sick Shmeg-Willy and he cried

by DaddyLongStroke_6969 June 7, 2023

Willy highschool

The highschool in Nigeria built from willy concrete

P1: the Willy highschool is so cool
P2: oh yeah! It is cool

by ugly gurl😜 December 7, 2020

Willie's Cocktail

When a person takes a shot of liquor using another's foreskin as a container for the liquid.

Did you just see jenny drinking a willie's Cocktail shot from that dude's foreskin?

by January 1, 2021

brown willis

when you take a turd (long shit) and let your girlfriend play with it during sex

I'm putting the Brown Willis in the condom for sex later

by clyons55 March 19, 2014

Smiling Willy

1. A curved erection.

Damn! That girl gave me a smiling willy!

by oh deary me May 9, 2015

pug willy

Pug willy is a really funny pug and he's stupid sometimes he was born in the 1880's.

pug willys is funny.

by pugs's are cute December 12, 2020