A rare mishap which occurs during an after dinner wank.
When wanking you notice a rather significant sensation. It may be intensely painful or pleasantly warm, hot even.
You worry for a moment and even panic as it feels as though your sausage is being cooked. You look at your hands which appear clean. After a moment it clicks. You put two and two together.
Your meal was rather spicy, containing large amounts of high potency chilli sauce. Some must have gotten on your hands.
Dave: Steve, come down and check this out!
Steve: I can't right now, I'll come down in a few.
Dave: You're going to miss it! The cat's stuck in the toilet!
Steve: I can't, I've got a severe case of chilli willy.
Steve: *limps down the corridor*
Dave: What's happened? Did you get hit in the balls?
Steve: No, I've got chilli willy you silly willy.
The process of wiping your own Shmegma upon another persons ear to recreate the famous “wet Willy”
“I just have Sonny a sick Shmeg-Willy and he cried”
The highschool in Nigeria built from willy concrete
P1: the Willy highschool is so cool
P2: oh yeah! It is cool
When a person takes a shot of liquor using another's foreskin as a container for the liquid.
Did you just see jenny drinking a willie's Cocktail shot from that dude's foreskin?
when you take a turd (long shit) and let your girlfriend play with it during sex
I'm putting the Brown Willis in the condom for sex later
Pug willy is a really funny pug and he's stupid sometimes he was born in the 1880's.