When you stay up all night and start to lose mental functions.
Bro.... Been awake 29 hours... I'm in the zombie zone.
Gotta sleep
The area located inside the key on a basketball court. aka The Paint.
Rodman had 16 rebounds in the dunk zone last night.
the area just behind two or more people who are taking a picture together. If you are standing in that general area, you're creeping, whether you realize it or not.
When a person asks a person whom they are attracted to if they want to start dating, and gets turned down, but gets put in the business zone instead of the friend zone. Unlike the friend zone, people in the business zone are hung on to strictly for wealth benefits such as money loans, free stuff, etc.
After weeks of trying to find his courage, Mark finally found it in him to ask Betty out on a date. Betty promptly shot him down, but put him in the business zone, or else Mark would demand his money back, change his netflix password, and stop driving her around. If Mark realizes he's got no further chance with her, he will perform all of the previously mentioned actions. If he still thinks he has a chance, he will endlessly dwell in the business zone, and all his friends will enter a state of pity and empathy.
The lowest level in a body of water such as a lake or the oceans.
the Benthic Zone
A close/best friend that still loves you, but no longer needs you for support, entertainment, guidance, affection, etc., and gradually stops involving you in their life/seeking you out in the same way or for the same reasons.
They still love you and will still answer/respond at the same rate when you reach out to them, but will no longer contact you on their own unless it's a special occasion, an emergency, or they need something specific.
Much like how children and young adults stop wanting to spend time with their parents and would rather spend time with their friends instead.
Being parent-zoned means you've essentially been replaced as a friend but without any malice or loss of love / emotional importance.
He still treats me with a lot of love and respect and is always there when I need him, but he doesn't call or text nearly as much as he used to. His personal situation hasn't changed, guess I've just been parent-zoned.
The point in trying to solve printer problems where you loose your mind.
Did you see John? He has been working on that printer for over an hour. I think he has entered printer zone. I would stay away from for a while.