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Pulling a Rojas

inadvertently starting a fire in the kitchen while cooking.

Jessica was making tempura the other night and ended up pulling a Rojas on the stove.

by magnetic5280 May 14, 2010

Pulled a Walter

When someone completely destroys a bathroom with the foulest stench. A stench so rancid, it will surely traumatize ...even the worlds toughest individual.

Once he mentioned his prairie dog, I had no doubt who had Pulled a Walter!

by Fitzperfectly August 31, 2018

Pulling a Jensen

Definition 1) Acting like a little two year old spaz
Definition 2) Being an annoying bitch and throwing shit at people
Definition 3) Constantly acting gay and not realizing it
Definition 4) Acting like a fuck up

"Dude quit throwing shit at people your pulling a Jensen"

by Koolaidinthemouth November 2, 2011

Pulling a walser

Pulling a wasler is when a person talks the talk but can't walk the walk.

When a person says that they can do something but then can't back it up.

Dude, you totally pulled a walser!

Man, I am not pulling a walser!

by VanH February 18, 2011

Pulling a little brother


Pulling a little brother is when someone is being very annoying and difficult to deal with, to the point that you want to physically hurt them

Person 1: did you see Azlan today?!
Person 2: yes! He was totally pulling a little brother

by SuperiorSibling August 7, 2019

pulling a saram

leaving you on delivered for 20 hours every day and having sex with her ex after every party

girl 1: omg she so pulled a saram last night

girl 2: she got with her ex again??????

girl 1: ugh she’s pulling a saram to me rn

girl 2: she’s leaving you on delivered again???

by wpistoute November 22, 2021

pulled a k

To pull a K is doing an action a kook would do. A mistake.

Katie: *working on a project on the computer* she forgets to click the Save button and looses all her work
Justin: "oh no Katie you pulled a K!" (by Katie forgetting to save her work she "pulled a k"

by Mistake kook January 19, 2016