To get over on someone such as taking advantage or stealing
" He tried to pull a handle on me "
" Luckily I'm not that stupid "
" He tried to pull a handle on someone "
" Goes to show what his getdown is "
When you date two separate woman and you ruin them to the point where they end up dating each other.
Both his exes hate him so much! They’re together now! He's pulling a Caleb man!
To make a mistake that'll make everyone pissed off; when something screws up to make you mad.
Ex. 1: NO! DAMN IT! Don't pull a Vista on me you stupid TV!
Ex. 2: FUCK! I pulled a Vista on my Girlfriend!
An ex-girlfriend and backup vocal woman of a musician murdering a comedian with drugs
Hey did you see Kanye West's ex-girlfriend High-Pitched Kanye West on the news? She got arrested Pulling a Cathy Smith
When somebody is friends with every girl in the school but can’t pull anyone. Everybody makes fun of that person. They get friend zoned immediately after they meet the person.
Me: Yo did you see him talking to that girl?
Friend: Yea but, he was pulling a Troy.
Me: Ffs
To ask for someone's credentials publicly
She tried to pull someone's card on twitter but it turns out he wrote the book
When one girl rejects you but you're chilling because you got another one
Damn this girl totally ghosted me. Don't care.
Pulling a Sharan?