When you randomly enter a house or room or building on a water ski
Your pulling a Terry crews on me!
Abuse of reverse psychology, normally a fit thrown by a chick before she realizes the formality of the term "Bye Felicia." A rose, if ignored, will show lack of authority and show up unannounced as signs of aggression. Beware.
Dude, she's pulling a rose. Lose her.
Pulling a "Lassie" is as the definition says - It is when your friend is in a situation that they need to get out of and making up a crazy story to tell them to get out of said situation.
Original example "What's that Lassie? Timmy is stuck down the well?..." The Pulling a Lassie : "Come home quickly! There is an alligator burning down the house and all I have is a breadstick and a water spritzer and I don't know how long I can hold it off!"
Response: "what's that?! I will get home right now!!"
When someone complains about life in a sarcastic way as a cry for attention, even when their life is good
He's complaining how he can't afford a PS4 and a Macbook in the same month. Talk about pulling a jones, am I right!
Finding any possible excuse to cover your ass when you done goofed and/or trying to sham out of anything.
Private 1: Do you see Snuffy over there talking to sergeant?
Private 2: Yea, he’s definitely pulling a jones *smh*
Become mentally and physical handicapped from a small or minor accident
Fred was pulling a Holden when he fell down the stairs which put him in the hospital for a month with life threatening injuries.
The worst thing a person can hear.
Person 1: Pull your mask down let me see your face.
Person 2 *dies*