This is where head hunters boil a human body alive a certain way to shrink it down to the size of a doll head or bigger. Most people just do the head to wear them as trophies but others do the entire body.
I’m glad I haven’t saw a shrunken head. Let’s keep it that way.
Ignorant criminal thug worthless drain on civilized society. Can be identified by thick cotton garments that include an attached head covering. Can often be seen in urban areas traveling in groups of three or more."
The hoodie heads caused mayhem on the streets of Baltimore.
A Noun used to describe a person from the state of Massachusetts, when that person is not in Massachusetts.
That Mass head can’t drive correctly.
Short word for a idiot or doofus, mainly used by people of arabic or kebab descent.
"Yo bruv, that guy was a major kebab head".
"Yeah nah mate".
That guy forgot to put bbq sauce on my HSP, what a kebab head.
I think it's meaning is "the first thing or things that come to your head when it comes to name someone or something inside a context"
- Can you name three emperors of Rome?
- Augustus, Nero, Marcus Aurelius...from the top of my head, now.
usually used when someone is asking a tricky ass question or proving someones knowledge of some shit
person 1: yo bump that new dmx
person 2: since when did you fuck with dmx?
person 1: since day 1 bro trust (he capping)
person 2: word? gun to your head name me 5 dmx songs
Head Busser is the highest rank in a restaurant best of the best one of a kind
Kamiron is and will always be head busser.
Kamiron is like 6 men in 1 busses faster then the flash.
Chandler wishes he was as good as kamiron bussing.