You get a 6 piece McNugget with hot mustard. Eat all the McNuggets then cut a hole in the bottom of the 6 piece McNugget box. After that you go to town on the box while using the hot mustard as a lubricant.
Jace: OMG why is Micheal getting McDonald again without me.
Too drunk to drive so you put on koe wetzel drunk driving
How we getting home?
Koe will get you home
Dying from gallbladder surgery... cause you know he( Andy warhol) died from it lol
Susan are you afraid of getting andy Warholed
This phrase was popularised in mid-2019 in Australia and is a reference to both the Australia-wide UCAT exam and a global-FPS game.
Verbal Reasoning is a section inside the University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT) which is abbreviated as (VR).
VR is also an acronym for a term in the popular online MMO-FPS 'Fortnite' which means 'Victory Royale'.
Hence "Lets get this Verbal Reasoning" is used as a sort of cathartic relief and a battle cry for strong grinders to gee themselves up.
Guy 1: Oh shit man finals are right around the corner.
Guy 2: Fuar true. No worries though, lets get this verbal reasoning.
A game in which Jordan is made to (against his will) get into someones car.
Donovan likes to play get in the car.
Pretty much telling you to get cancer or another life threatening disease
Get kid you cunt
343: i could get my internet taken if i download compressed video games.