the day you're gonna feel single, cause thats national gf day which means everybody is gonna be posting their gf's and you're gonna be sitting there in your room looking at everybody's stories crying.
calender: august 1st
everybody: posts their gf
you: cry because you're single
BITCH WE HELPED RAISE THESE KIDS TO TF we helped this kids do sum things they do up till today.(sister)A sister is a woman or girl who shares one or more parents with another individual. january 1
The day when you cry because carti has not dropped narcisist yet.
Why are you crying?
Because it's january 1 and the best rapper alive playboi carti still hasn't dropped narcisist
National Wear all black day!
We’re black and nothing else be a mood for 24Hrs!!
Hayleigh:I’m happy tomorrow November 1 tomorrow
Nicole: Why?
Hayleigh: It’s national wear black day
Nicole: So nothing changes!?
The day you treat your tall friends like royalty
Tall friend: bow down to me you peasant, it’s November 1
Short friend: of course mi’lord
1👍 1👎
It’s NATIONAL smack or kick Brody, or just smack or kick your friend day!
Hey everyone, it’s November 1! Let’s see how many people you smack or kick!!!
The minimum and maximum amount of sex you can have before you are in a committed relationship.
Person 1: Would you like to have 1 or 2.
Person 2: Yes, absolutely.
Person 1: Are you guys dating?
Person 2: No, we only had 1 or 2.