ugly ass bitch who deserves to die and eat dick
Bro abby is such a stupid fuck
yeah she sucked my dads dick last night
Savage af. Don’t waste her time. Throws hands. Gets drunk. Classy bougie ratchet. Loud mf. Bad at math, literally don’t ask her to help with math homework
That girl abby will throw hands
Abby is a dirty girl that homie hops all the time. She cheats constantly and can not stay in one relationship.
Did that girl pull an abby last night?
A rat-like, nasty vermin creature. Smells like sweat and doesn't wash her hands. Abby thinks she's so funny, but the only people laughing are her little mean girls group. She makes you feel like the one in the wrong. YOU ARE NOT THE ONE IN THE WRONG. I wish I could make her face cave in.
Abby is a psychotic manipulator.