A person with a big dick and a lot of dominance.
Yo did you hear about that guy they call Jimmy Harris?
A series written by J.K Rowling about magic.
I read Harry Potter for the class book report.
hentai harry is a fat chinese kid who watches hentai in school, he was caught by the teachers and he also has no friends
hey theres hentai harry
haha what a loser hes watching hentai in class
Something to ponder about when the lights go out. Should ultimately result in positive feelings after a small bit of tension buildup and eventual release of said tension.
Can be heard during Phish concerts and is usually a much anticipated song for the band and audience.
Harry! Hood! Where do you go when the lights go out?
*Several Moments Later*
You can feel good, good, good, good about Hood.
Jabroni what song is this
Elderwook it's Harry Hood ya dink
A Prince Harry
is a drink containing
Sapphire Gin
Coconut Milk
and the Romans Drink
When in Tennessee
"I'd like A Prince Harry with a jigger of Bourbon. "
“Do you like Holly Harris?”
“Yeah , I think she’s great :)”
A brave,beautiful,coolest, amazing girl who being the best friend and the soulmate of an extrordinary boy.
All i can say is then she deserve the world..
Someone: « you mean the world to me, you are my Emma Harris . »