In the Nickelodeon TV series, "The Amanda Show", there was a sketch, where Drake Bell portrayed a dimwitted teen named Kyle. The announcer would say, "From his garage it's Totally Kyle." He would tell random stories, which would usually start with, "One Time"... and then the announcer would say, "And that was Totally Kyle." Then he would play his guitar.
To refer to one as Totally Kyle, he would have to be innocent, dumb and random, and would make random and off topic remarks.
Teacher: "What happened during Sherman's March during the Civil War?"
Jordan: "Oh, one time, we marched in the Macy's day parade and I forgot my underwear."
Erik: "We're studying the Civil War, who do you think you are, 'Totally Kyle?'"
by EmRson on Nov 28, 2009
32๐ 6๐
A big dick who will seem like a nice person at first but will end up being a bitch.
OMG did you see what Kyle just did, he is such a dick.
3๐ 31๐
Kyle Korver is the best pure shooter in the nba. He is the pimp shit no one can stop him. He is one of the best white players in the league. He also went to Creighton which is a tight college.
Kyle Korver for three
Kyle Korver is now 10-10 on the night from downtown.
118๐ 31๐
1) NASCAR's biggest douchebag
2) The most hated NASCAR driver of pretty much every race fan on earth
When things don't go the way Kyle Busch wants them to, he throws a temper tantrum and acts like a little whiny baby.
231๐ 69๐
Replaced Eric Dill as the current lead singer of The Click Five.
Is super sexy.
Kyle Patrick can have my babies.
40๐ 9๐
A man takes a funnel and shoves the end up a chicks ass. He then proceeds to dump a monster BFC into her booty hole. This is then followed by an intense tongue punch session to her fartbox, while getting the taste of his favorite energy drink. This is then all followed up with a devastating punch to the nearest drywall. Monster and booty does that to a kyle.
Damn kyle really be kyleing, be gave my girlfriend a dirty kyle
97๐ 28๐