The act of sticking gummy worms in your Coochie coating them in Coochie flavors
Johnny do you want some of my sweet delicious Coochie Worms?
Euphemism for a tight pussy, similar to a mouse's ear though one assumes not as hairy.
Last night was both a trial and a triumph as she is as tight as a worm's belt.
The Worm that enters and exits the hole of the penis.
Hey i have a penis worm do You ?
When you take your teeth out and give a blow job!
The domino deliver driver did not get payment so the senior at the old folks home gave him a gummy worm in exchange.
I'm a producer and improver! I'm producing eggs and improving MY life with YOUR shit.
Hym "Don't be a tape worm! Join Jordan Peterson's 'Hustler's Academy'- Er, I mean, Andrew Tate's -Mikhaila Academy-- Er, I mean, join him in his coalition to silence and mind control dissidents so you can steal their shit and use it to shit out more of yourself."