Source Code

alpha bravo charlie delta

terms used in the military to decribe a plan or team or location specified before a mission instead of ABC they say alpha bravo charlie delta ect. to prevent a mishearing of a plan

"move to alpha bravo charlie delta"
second soldier moves to specified locations

by will ferell April 10, 2014

7πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Sigma Alpha Epsilon

Another very casual way of referring to a "douchebag."

Guy 1: "Hey man, you see that dude over there?"

Guy 2: "Yeah, what about him?"

Guy 1: "He's in Sigma Alpha Epsilon."

Guy 2: "Damn, what a fuck."

by BankerStanker March 28, 2018

1πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Alpha Panda Haqib Shakib

Alpha Panda Haqib Shakib is an adjective used to describe people who are the most sensitive, pretentious and as vulnerable as a panda. Known to be the most weirdest person when interacting with girls. This person is also the CEO of Panda Fighting Club.

Guy 1 - "Dude, so I was watching over a conversation in a chat and this one guy kept backbiting about me to a girl he has barely ever talked with!"
Guy 2 - "It is highly possible that that person was an Alpha Panda Haqib Shakib."

by Sania Jamil September 20, 2021

6πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

pi kappa alpha [pike]

A group of nerds who cant party. Mostly gay. Drexel chapter is the worst of all.

Those Pike nerds live in a row home.

by 1686 May 8, 2005

301πŸ‘ 369πŸ‘Ž

Try-hard Alpha Wannabe

Men that, because of societal, parental, and/or environmental pressure to make part of the stereotypical hyper-masculine men in their childhoods, often needs to mock other people down to inflate their ego and hide their insecurities, fearing judgmental looks from society for not being β€œmasculine enough”.

Their targets are mostly men that do not fit in the stereotype, such as soy boys, male feminists, betas, nerds, ETC. Making disrespectful commentaries about their life, and how they're not β€œmanly” enough. While also constantly picks up unnecessary and meaningless fights with others that can easily be solved with dialog.

They're also extremely defensive by the simplest of jokes about them, such as a friend ironically calling them gay, or saying no homo next to him. While often consider themselves as β€œconservatives” or β€œalt-right”, which contributes to the stereotype that makes the entire movement look bad.

They can often be seen sharing posts about what a β€œtrue men” really is and sometimes say heavy sexist things about women.

"Why don't you leave this guy alone, try-hard alpha wannabe? you're only making a fool of yourself by mocking him down!"

by My_Boy July 21, 2020

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

omega phi alpha

Sorority for the biggest women i have ever seen. Literally, 300 lb weight requirement ISN'T an exaggeration. It's that bad.

Fratboy 1: Did you see the letters on her jacket?

Fratboy 2: How could i miss it? It was the size of a billboard!

Fratboy 1: (laughing) Yeah, Omega Phi Alpha is for whales.

by Hottubtimemachine! October 18, 2010

15πŸ‘ 159πŸ‘Ž


exerting dominance, alpha status over another.

that wanna-be-gangstah-leadah rode me hard out on the street corner. Just to alpha-bet-ize his status he did this. He can't spell, but he knows damn well how to push and pull his social skills.

by deal April 6, 2006

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