when you put a condom on a banana and mash it and then freeze it and use it as a dildo
girl) i just made a banana stuffer
boy) ew
The action of doing the dick glitch in cyber punk 77 then throwing a chicken at samurai the violently shitting your pants and yelling “nice cock”
The other day John had a banana protest
When you take a bong rip after eating a banana, and a burning sensation occurs in the back of your throat.
Damn I really wanna smoke but I just ate a banana... goddamn banana burn...
I ate the cheese banana for lunch today with my sandwich.
People who have soft and easy bruising rib cages.
Jenny: I barely touched his body and he had a bruise.
Tyler: Then that guy has some banana ribs.
when a female grabs as many bananas as she wants and stick them in whichever hole she wants while screaming the annoying orange "he will mock you" song :)
"i had just gotten home and i opened her door and was going to give her a present but i found her doing banana masturbation"