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1. a person that you hate who is trying to do a trick or jump on a vehicle or peice of extreme sports equipment and fails to complete said trick or jump and continues to try and fail after 3 times.

(Billy is trying to do a kick flip on his skateboard)
Mike: "whats Billy doing?"
Stan:"hes still trying to land a kickflip, weve been here for an hour."
Mike:" that astro-bastard fails at life."

by browniepoint October 10, 2009

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alien bastard

A complete cunt who is completely different from anyone you have ever met before.

Shit, that new kids a total alien bastard.

by ' Dan .. November 10, 2007

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Alternative to dick-flop. A bastard-flop is a terminal bastard who flops about, like he or she ones you.

<GUY1> That she-male, ass-fudgin' bastard-flop just gave me 5 Dollars! She ain't so bad!
<GUY2> *Loads gun*
<GUY1> WTF?????///
<GUY2> *Shoots GUY1*

by Bastardized Bottomburp March 28, 2003

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bastard math

The math to figure out who the daddy is

Grandma : Give her some daddy daughter time
Daughter: What the fuck is she talking about ?

Grandma: Do the bastard math

Dad: Iโ€™m your dad

by Pizza pockets October 16, 2019

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slippery bastard

Lyle Brown. The most greasy person Alive

Lyle Brown is a Slippery bastard

by Nickdolte August 1, 2017

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inbread bastard

A child of unmarried parents that are also related. Could typically be brought on by rape of a younger family member.

An eleven or twelve year old woman from the redneck-ghetto was brutally raped by her own uncle and got pregnant with a daughter that she had to give up for adoption to a loving and devoted mother that agreed to an open adoption, where the child had no secrets kept from her or lies told except for the biggest secret of all: The way in which she was conceived. An incest rape baby is an "inbread bastard".

by Blonde Knowledge Harvester November 14, 2013

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Bastard of Soldiers

A quantity. Like a gaggle of geese, or a school of fish. When multiple soldiers (4 or more) congregate together in the same area, they form a social group known as a Bastard.

A bastard does not have a distinct size or number of soldiers within it. Separate individual bastards in near proximity to each other may eventually merge into a larger, more powerful bastard.

"Go over to that bastard of soldiers and get one of them knuckleheads for me."

by KilleR R0b0T February 16, 2010

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