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Beard Season

When James Harden is on a fire streak.

P1:yo harden been going off the last few games. P2: I told y’all it’s beard season..

by calamitymasker May 10, 2019


a man who is stupidly hot ...only with the beard on. without it, he is just 'meh.'

Yo, remember that beard0 I was googley-eyed over last week? Turns out he was just beard-hot.
I finally found an old picture of his babyface. So sad I know this. Not hot anymore.

by xpineapplex July 12, 2015

Mexican Beard

The product of rubbing cocaine all over your face and upper lip.

Yo anybody wanna snort off my Mexican beard?

by Eggwin The Oddly Shaped Egg February 28, 2017

race beard

Someone who you coauthor with who has a marginalized racial identity (e.g. BIPoC), in order to credibly discuss race issues as a white person. Could equally apply to people of marginalized gender identity or sexual orientation (see queer beard).

That guy only writes with so-and-so so he can talk about racy topics without being attacked, and get into those progressive journals! I would go as far to say he's using them as a race beard...

by secretuser420 April 2, 2020

Fisherman's Beard

Going down on a hairy girl

What an experience she was, it was like having a fisherman's beard!

by Shoehorn75 June 21, 2018

Beard Sleep

The crusty deposit left around the mouth in the morning after dribbling into your beard during sleep.

He awoke in a funky haze of booze and regret, his mouth dry and encrusted with Beard Sleep.

by Grumpy bear 69 May 8, 2020

bearded dusty

An elderly man's hairy penis.

Grandpa, get your bearded dusty out of my face!

by GojiraFlanders December 3, 2010