being shafted while simultaneously being shat on by a group of people
David was being cannulated so much that today it was just another Tuesday.
being a mug where “mug” is the main word.
being a mug: essentially means cock blocking on a non sexual level.
when someone’s friend or your girls friend is talking to the girl you like. This is turn makes it to wear you can’t talk to your girl.
cock block mug from another definition started this for some context I don’t want it to be a inside joke it needs to be gentrified.
-“i can’t even talk to her bro” then look at your friend “she’s being a mug bro a mug”
- i swear bro she’s such being such a mug”
Cher, i kn0w the @n5wer can 1 help,
Cher, me, me , me
Cher, me
Me, cher
"I love the song: them being annoying in general."
The act of being a sad and quite regardless of others. This is what you can call someone when they try to be annoying by making very weird facial jesters while being very awquard
Wow she’s annoying she’s kind of being a Haley Basham
NO! Can you believe it!? I'm giving out free advertisements. Dishing out snappy one-liners. Changing lives and inspiring millions...... And I might have created a money generator and conquered China...
Salma Hayek "You're not being paid!?"
Hym "No! It's lame! But seriously, if Netflix wants some more free money, you seriously need to find whoever has the rights to Hajime no Ippo, BUY IT FROM THEM IMMEDIATELY, and then reboot the series the way you did with Baki the grappler! There's so much money to be made there. It's such a good show!"
(Porn + horny = Porny.)
Being porny is writing or acting normally but then going into a naughty or sexy mood to arouse the other party.
You can do this in casual conversation, texting (turned sexting) or email.
Me: I was texting him and all of the sudden he was being porny and really descriptive. It was weird for
a study buddy, right?
Friend: Ewwwww! Yeah, totally weird!
It means a cute guy who loves worst and thinks worst should be President of US and marry Gal Gadot
Nah not that much time y'all Being a dennis