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Big Boss

The Greatest Soldier of the 20th century. The father of Solid, Liquid and Solidus Snake, resulting from the Les Enfants Terribles (The terrible children) project. Originally known as Naked Snake, he earned the name Big Boss after defeating his mentor, the Boss, during Operation Snake Eater. Lost his right eye during said operation.

Founded FOXHOUND in the early 1970s, he subsequently betrayed the United States, probably due to their betrayal of his mentor. Founded Outer Heaven and built Metal Gear, a nuclear-equipped walking battle tank, based on an earlier version which he himself had destroyed. Was defeated by his son, Solid Snake and went into hiding until 4 years later when he became general commander of Zanzibar land. Was defeated by Snake in hand-to-hand combat.

You are a true patriot. Higher than the Boss. You are hereby awarded the title of Big Boss.

by Snake March 9, 2005

222๐Ÿ‘ 64๐Ÿ‘Ž

Big Bang

Greatest BAND EVER!!!!!!!!! big bang 4 life.

Big Bang is VIP

by Jean Uzumaki May 25, 2009

791๐Ÿ‘ 255๐Ÿ‘Ž

big dick

hakuna matata; problem solved

I got into a car accident today...but who gives a fuck! I got a BIG DICK!

by Jsmith1225 March 20, 2006

1454๐Ÿ‘ 483๐Ÿ‘Ž

Big daddy

Some one who pleasures you the best out of all your men

Person 1: who's your big daddy??

Person 2: kebi69 obviously (looks him up on urban dictionary)

by Daddydoughertyz April 17, 2017

76๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž



1. of significant size or intent.

Note: "big-ass" is not to be confused with big ass.

a. Did you see that big-ass boat coming our way?

b. The woman's big ass required a big-ass chair.

by Dopest Definer November 24, 2019

73๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

Big Q


Yo have u seen big Q new vid

Ah hell yea

by JamallorSo February 10, 2021

14๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Big Sing

Term was originally used to describe large things, but has also come to be somewhat of a compliment for objects and people alike amongst both white and aboriginal populations.

Big sing derives from the term 'big thing', and as such has nothing to do with vocalization techniques such as singing.

"That Donald Trump mad cunt is a bit of a big sing"
"That boeing 737 is a big sing"

by bigsingmadcunt October 17, 2009

11๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž