A lie, full of lies, Bulls-shit
What you said is a total bullshit, you are bullshiter
Dying in Minecraft because they didn’t have fucking scuba diving gear
That’s fucking bullshit
When your English teacher tells your class in the beginning of the day that you will do a worksheet in class the next day, but then decides to change her mind at the last minute of the school day, and ony tells the last class.
Me: What happened over the past night was bullshit!
Friend: It sure as Hell was
When you take the reno warlock down to 1 HP and they play Reno Jackson and lose the game, before the knife jugler misses 7 jungles.
That Reno Warlock just played his Bullshit card, this game is so Bullshit
1. Euphemism for most definitions in this dictionary.
More or less everything that the uneducated and incompetent try to express, usually by stringing simple words into several, which they then call sentence. Analyses will not find thought, true opinion or fact in those "sentences".
Simple follow-up queries confuse or enrage the 'bullshiter', explanations demanded cannot be given, nay, the bullshiter will mostly stumble over the concept of explaining.
Alas, bullshit cannot be wholly avoided, it is so prevalent. Bullshit exudes boredom and annoyance, both major vexations for the cognoscenti!
2. Term for beending a conversation by so denouncing the last utterance of your conversation partner.
A: "If it weren't for so much bullshit on "urban dictionary" I would enjoy browsing through their entries."
B: "You uppity know-it-all!"
A: "No, really, just have a look at the definitions of Brit, Britain, British and so on."
B: "That's their pompous arrogance ..."
A: " Pompous arrogance without reason - long gone, dear B. - is bullshit of the highest order. - How nice, that we don't have to listen to them anymore droning on about their special role etc. etc. Continental bullshit-exchange will drop by several 'Farage' scales in the comming years ..."