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Queef Cannon

When you punch a girl hard enough in the uterus thar she indefinitely won’t stop queefing

“Hey Matthew heard you hit the queef cannon on that slut last night”

“Hell yeah that shit wouldn’t stop!”

by Grabeast69 June 30, 2021

hummus cannon

When you dress up as Scotsman and stand at the top of castle fizzing on the people below shouting hummus cannon!

I was walking by this castle and there was this man stood up at the top of it firing jizz on the people beloe, shouting hummus cannon. Covered I was! Fortunately I had some carrots to clean my face

by MrHummus February 12, 2025

zoot cannon

An individual who is extraordinary zooted at all times of the day.

Person 1:“Damn, Dale’s been a real zoot cannon lately”
Person 2:”Yeah, he’s been playing Modern Warfare for 2 days straight.”

by B-Lee the Beta December 8, 2019

Cream Cannon

when you haven’t had sex in a while and your semen shoots out like a cannon.

I haven’t had sex in so long when I nutted on her face it was like a cream cannon!

by morganandtyrell December 29, 2020


A woman who has been impregnated by Nick Cannon.

I got cannoned on my date with Nick Cannon and now I’m having his baby.

by Good stone November 15, 2022

Lego Cannon

The act of launching Legos out of your anus.

(For more information refer to Lego loading)

Last Saturday, this guy at the bar showed me how he fought off harlots by activating his Lego cannon.

by ThatLegoGuy March 31, 2024

Lego cannon

The act of launching Legos out of your anus.

Ref. Lego loading

Last Saturday, Todd Lego cannoned the bartender at the club.

by ThatLegoGuy March 31, 2024